
Favela on blast - projecto de Leandro HBL

For 20 years, a subculture has emerged under society's radar. Favela On Blast tells the stories of sex, love, poverty and pride for Rio's marginalized people. They have their own language, style and heroes. It's a music that's fast, heavy and violent like the city itself. This film is a flash of a few lives of charismatic people that relate to the funk music and a retelling of the subculture itself.

In an unlikely turn of events since pre-production of this film started, baile funk fought its way out of the favela's, no holds barred. As soon as it reached the ears of music makers and booty shakers around the globe, dots got connected, cables got plugged and the movement just snowballed out of control.

The culture surrounding the favela's of Rio De Janeiro has been documented before, yet here a unique view is presented to the audience were the camera emerges from the funk balls to give an unseen look into an energetic, underground music scene so powerful it couldn't be ignored.

links para trabalho do Leandro:

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